Workshop – How to recognise skills in social and professional communities?

On June 21st, MIRVA project will join Promised Land, an OpenAgri dissemination event organized by Milan Municipality, with a workshop on skills recognition.

21 June, h10:00 – 13:00, Palazzo Giureconsulti, Milan.

There are skills we know having, and skills we are not aware of, despite using them everyday. There are also skills that have been (formally) recognised by an institution and skills that are (informally) recognised by our peers, colleagues or friends, as we recognise their own in social and professional contexts.

Even in the context of formal education and training, where learning programmes make explicit references to defined skills or learning outcomes, we all know that the skills participants mobilise is not limited to the content of the curriculum and includes not just what is referred to as “transversal skills” or “soft skills” but also more “hard” skills. The curriculum or programme is what is measured and assessed, not the totality of what is learned.

In more informal and dynamic contexts, such as the workplace or extended social and professional communities, recognition dynamics are diffused but often hidden or difficult to “export” towards other communities.

The questions the workshop will address are:

  • How can we make visible all the skills people develop in social and professional communities?
  • How can we bridge formal and informal recognition?
  • How to maximise the value of informal recognition? How can informal recognition inform formal recognition (and conversely)?

Who should attend?

Any person involved in education, training, human resource development, social inclusion, territorial development, etc.

Why attend?

The workshop will give you the opportunity to:

  • Explore new tools designed to make informal learning and recognition visible
  • Use those tools to solve actual problems in your community/context, for example:
    • [your problem/goal here!]
    • How to recognise the skills developed through social innovation?
    • How to recognise transversal skills?
    • How to recognise a community?
    • How to revitalise urban landscape?
    • How to create a learning territory?

Where and when?

The event will take place on 21 June 2019 from 10 to 13 in Palazzo Giureconsulti in Milan, Piazza dei Mercanti, 2, 20123. 

The event is open and free of charge, but places are limited: please register.

It will be possible to interact both in italian and english.

About the workshop organisers

The workshop is organised by MIRVA, an Erasmus+ funded project aimed at Making Informal Recognition Visible and Actionable. In the workshop project partners will share the ongoing work on defining and Open Recognition Framework and practical guidelines for different use cases, testing their usefulness and applicability with workshop participants, in particular:

  • Recognition Guidelines for Communities & Individuals
  • Recognition Guidelines for Organisations & Practitioners

Register here for the workshop

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