
Guidelines for Organisations & Practitioners

This outcome is designed to address adult education providers and training centres and the professionals working there. The objective is to raise their awareness on the different modalities for recognising learning and achievements so they can be translated into some form of recognition by education and training providers, for example to translate informal
recognition into formal recognition during a recognition of prior learning process.


Related work

During the project the partners of MIRVA produced related and relevant work, like Discussion papers, Expert seminar recommendations or Case studies and Validation. If produced, they are published below.

Meet the people who wants to recognise...

What can we do to recognise and be recognised? Technology, policies, stakeholders like employers: many factors play a role when recognition is needed. The partners of MIRVA have collected many stories of people in the field of education, employment and the social & culture area to empower you with new insights and guidelines to be recognised and to recognise. Enjoy!

Meet the people