OVerview guidelines
How to start recognising? Below you can find all the frameworks and guidelines that the partners of the MIRVA project have produced. Enjoy reading and start recognising!
Open Recognition Framework
The key innovation supported by O1 is a framework that contributes to “making informal recognition visible.” While formal recognition is obviously visible and the formal recognition of informal learning too, informal recognition remains mainly hidden and therefore of little transactional value. The involvement of the different stakeholders will be critical to creating a
Guidelines for Technology Providers & Clients
This outcome is designed to establish a bridge between the technology providers in the field of education, employment and human resources with the range of stakeholders who have to make decisions on the technologies to buy, install, configure or develop recognition systems. Guiding you to recognise! Also want to recognise
Guidelines for Organisations & Practitioners
This outcome is designed to address adult education providers and training centres and the professionals working there. The objective is to raise their awareness on the different modalities for recognising learning and achievements so they can be translated into some form of recognition by education and training providers, for example
Guidelines for linking informal recognition with Frameworks
While the heart of the project is the ‘informal recognition of informal learning’ one of the objectives of MIRVA is to explore the means to bridge the gap between formal and informal recognition. One of the elements that could help bridging that gap is the exploitation of existing frameworks such
Guidelines for Communities & Individuals
These documents are designed to address individuals and their communities directly so that they can initiate the establishment of local recognition networks – “local” in the sense of “proximal” to the main theme of a community, whether that community is local or related to a practice, for example a professional