In order to facilitate the European Innovation Quest, our Company is bringing together an extended network of affiliated European and international researchers and experts, deploying the capacity of this intercultural and sophisticated human capital, to effectively address the challenges of smart and inclusive growth in Europe and across the world. The affiliated experts are carrying the legacy of a long-run research and innovation work with an extended network of European bodies, from education, research, social innovation and the industry, in order to address the challenges of the 21st century societies, from the grass-root level to the policy-making one.

The company Mind2Innovate (registered MindInn PCC) is based in Athens, Greece, becoming active all across Europe while supporting the agenda of the significant reforms with Greece’ s bail-out programme (of Financial Assistance), starting with the labour market and the education and training systems. We need to deploy these forty-year “good practice” in Europe, by becoming a collective body of know-how building and deployment (delivery), and facilitate and provide the much needed innovative solutions.

It is to the Mind2Innovate‘ s scope to work constructively, both in Greece as well as in the rest of Europe and the world, in order to bring up sustainable solutions, in terms of human and social capital developments, for the multi-cultural societies of the 21st century.

We want to collaboratively deliver in the areas of

  • Education Research and Systems Analysis
  • Learning and Social Innovation
  • European cooperation to enhance the Knowledge Capital in the 21st century societies
  • Reform design and Programme planning
  • Evaluation and Impact Assessment

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