Meet Philippe.

I am a self-taught learner and I would like to showcase my achievements and demonstrate my competences. The problem is that, as I learn on my own, I don’t have any official document supporting my claims.

What should Philippe consider?

What's the objective?

Showcase his achievements over the years and actual competences.

Who will have access?

  • Who should read Philippe’s profile?
  • What will be important to them?

Who will be able to claim recognition?

  • Do you have a network you can refer to as host and witness of your achievements?
  • Have you documented your professional practices?

What will be recognised?

  • What credentials, evidence and endorsements do you have?
  • Think outside the box: many things can prove your achievements!

Philippe's Path

Starting out

  • Use an online tool allowing you to point at any digital proof or evidence you have.
  • Upload digital credentials.
  • Upload non-digital credentials, link to connected online content if any.
  • Link or upload evidences.


  • Highlight the verifiability of your credentials.
  • Make it quick and easy to check your evidences. Do not expect the reader to check out everything or follow every link,
  • Provide links to online trustable profiles and spaces where endorsements to you are visible (i.e. likes on posts, badges in forums).


  • Have a backup proof in case the resources you refer to are or become inaccessible (i.e. sign-in walls).

Technology checklist

  • Personal website, professional social network, ePortfolio
  • Publicly accessible profiles
  • Multiple profiles (optional)
  • Digital credentials displayer supporting multiple standards and allowing one-click verification
  • Evidence in multiple file formats
  • Possibility to create shorter vs more detailed versions of a public profile
  • Link to online resources

What do they think?

I’m very curious about Philippe’s initiative and I wonder whether I should do the same? I tried to create an ePortfolio a few years ago, but I had to stop as it was not easy to keep up-to-date and for the readers to get a full grasp of it.
Although this is a great way to provide reference to a talented learner, I would have preferred not having to create yet another account on a digital platform. I hope that it will no be necessary in the future.
Although I appreciate Philippe’s initiative, I have careful when looking at his claims of achievements and credentials:  I need to understand how trustworthy they really are. Apart from that, I find that it is an interesting way to demonstrate his digital skill.