
Open Recognition Framework

The key innovation supported by O1 is a framework that contributes to “making informal recognition visible.” While formal recognition is obviously visible and the formal recognition of informal learning too, informal recognition remains mainly hidden and therefore of little transactional value.

The involvement of the different stakeholders will be critical to creating a practical impact that works. This is developed in the Open Recognition Framework. The full impact of the Framework will be measurable with O6, during the validation phase.

While the focus of MIRVA is adult learners, the capability to make informal recognition visible would be easily transferable to all kinds of populations, in particular school drop-outs, people with disabilities, people with low level or no qualifications. It is primarily a tool for empowering individuals and their communities to have their skills recognised and to work actively in recognising others skills.

Demonstrating that informal recognition works can be both a benefit to labour market and to citizenry activation programmes, which help policymakers and social partners at local and regional levels to design policies for learning cities and regions.


Related work

During the project the partners of MIRVA produced related and relevant work, like Discussion papers, Expert seminar recommendations or Case studies and Validation. If produced, they are published below.

Meet the people who wants to recognise...

What can we do to recognise and be recognised? Technology, policies, stakeholders like employers: many factors play a role when recognition is needed. The partners of MIRVA have collected many stories of people in the field of education, employment and the social & culture area to empower you with new insights and guidelines to be recognised and to recognise. Enjoy!

Meet the people